Email Disclaimer

NOTICE: If you have received an email from Free Vocals, the email message and all attachments transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the addressee and may contain legally privileged and confidential information. If the reader of the message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of the message or its attachments is strictly prohibited.

If you have received a message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message and please delete it from your computer. Although Free Vocals aims to use efficient virus checking procedures, we accept no liability for viruses. No responsibility is accepted by Free Vocals for personal emails or emails unconnected with our business.

PLEASE NOTE that all incoming emails will be automatically scanned by us and/or an external service provider to eliminate unsolicited promotional emails (“spam”). This could result in the deletion of a legitimate email before it is read by its intended recipient at our firm. Please tell us if you have concerns about this automatic filtering. Emails sent to Free Vocals may be monitored and may be read by people other than the intended recipient.

All attachments are subject to copyright and remain the property of Free Vocals or its Licensor’s.