Sample Clearance (Gazlit)

Our licensing team has received your sample clearance submission.

We will email you after the licence fee has been paid.

  1. Click the (Buy Licence) button below and pay for sample clearance
  2. We review your submission and create your agreement
  3. You receive a link from DocuSign to add your digital signature
  4. We sign and you receive a PDF and signature certificate.
  5. Then you can release your track to the stores and streaming services!


SKU: GOSC69601 Category:

Additional information

Distribution Level

Entry Level: up to 50 CD/Vinyl, 250 downloads, 50k audio streams & 125k video streams, Level 1: up to 100 CD/Vinyl, 500 downloads, 100k audio streams & 250k video streams, Level 2: up to 200 CD/Vinyl, 1k downloads, 200k audio streams & 500k video streams, Level 3: up to 300 CD/Vinyl, 1.5k downloads, 300k audio streams & 750k video streams, Level 4: up to 400 CD/Vinyl, 2k downloads, 400k audio streams & 1m video streams, Level 5: up to 500 CD/Vinyl, 2.5k downloads, 500k audio streams & 1.25m video streams, Level 6: up to 600 CD/Vinyl, 3k downloads, 600k audio streams & 1.5m video streams, Level 7: up to 700 CD/Vinyl, 3.5k downloads, 700k audio streams & 1.75m video streams, Level 8: up to 800 CD/Vinyl, 4k downloads, 800k audio streams & 2m video streams, Level 9: up to 900 CD/Vinyl, 4.5k downloads, 900k audio streams & 2.25m video streams, Level 10: up to 1k CD/Vinyl, 5k downloads, 1m audio streams & 2.5m video streams