
Looking for help? Just follow the links below to our frequently asked questions. If you need help with anything just email

Top Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download the Sound Recordings?

You can download instantly by clicking the “Free Download” button. Free Members can use our downloads for personal non-commercial use. Pro Daily or Pro Monthly Members have access to all of our Pro Members Downloads. Pro Members can use our downloads for commercial use and the downloads can be mixed with Pro Members own samples and sounds and released to the stores and streaming services (Spotify, iTunes etc)

Why is there music on the preview, are the downloads Acapella?

We have music on the previews to put the acapellas in context. The download WAV files are isolated vocal only acapellas for professional productions. Most WAV downloads have separate leads, harmonies and ad-libs with dry and wet versions. Check the download description for what’s included.

Can I modify or edit the Sound Recordings?

Yes our Sound Recordings can be modified or edited. We encourage you to chop, slice, pitch and rearrange them as much as you want! Be creative! Our Sound Recordings must be combined with other types of samples or sounds to effectively form a new composition or derivative work, in a manner that is clear and distinct from the isolated Sound Recordings themselves. You can’t use the Sound Recordings in isolation or distribute the Sound Recordings independently of a new composition or derivative work.