Free Vocals KIT’s utilize a file naming system that states the tempo, key signature, title, vocalists name, instrument, song structure and variation, separated by underscores. These elements are abbreviated to keep file names short and easily searchable.
- Vocals, Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, and Percussion are Vox, Bss, Drms, Egtr and Prc.
- Ad_libs, Backing Vocals, Harmonies and Lead Vocals are Adl, Bv, Hrms and Le.
- Bridge, Chorus, Verse one and Verse two are Bri, Cho, Ver1 and Ver2.
- All sound recordings are 24 bit 44.1 kHz .wav files with a completely dry version (no post production) and some variations with effects such as compression, EQ and reverb (labelled with Fx)
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Le_D1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Le_D2.wav
- 128 = Tempo of 128 bpm
- Bb = Key of B Flat
- Slow_Down = KIT title
- Sa = Vocalists name
- Vox = Vocals
- Cho = Chorus
- Le = Lead Vocals
- D1 = Double 1 (first recording of lead vocals)
- D2 = Double 2 (second recording of lead vocals to give a stronger and fuller sound)
- _ = Underscore to separate KIT elements
Example Project:
All in one:
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_All.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_All_Fx.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Inst_All_Fx.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_All_Fx.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_All.wav
Note: All in one tracks are intended as a guide and not to be mixed with the other layers.
For example, you shouldn’t mix the Vox_All with the Vox_Le (Lead) and Vox_Hrms (Harmonies). However, you could mix the Vox_All with the individual instrumental layers, if you don’t want control over mixing the individual vocal layers.
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Ver1_Le_D1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Ver1_Le_D2.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Pch_Le_D1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Pch_Le_D2.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Le_D1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Le_D2.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Hrm1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Hrm2.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Hrm3.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Cho_Hrm4.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Bri_Le_D1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Sa_Vox_Bri_Le_D2.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Bss_Ver1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Bss_Pch.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Bss_Cho.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Drms_Fill.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Drms_Fill_Fx.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Bss_Bri.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Egtr_Ver1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Egtr_Pch.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Egtr_Cho.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Egtr_Bri.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Vibr_Ver1.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Vibr_Pch.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Vibr_Cho.wav
- 128_Bb_Slow_Down_Vibr_Bri.wav
Vocalists Name: | File Name: |
Chris Scott | Ch |
Curtis Clark Jr | Cu |
Elliott | El |
Gazlit | Sy |
Gibbons | Gi |
Indi | In |
Jennifer Dawn | Je |
Kamden | Ka |
K7te | Ky |
Lissy | Li |
Miah Draper | Mi |
Nina Marzenia | Ni |
Sanna Hartfield | Sa |
Sarai Jazz | Sj |
Sergi | Se |
Simone | Si |
Soulpella | So |
Structure: | File Name: |
Bridge (release from rest of song) | Bri |
Chorus | Cho |
Fill | Fill |
Intro | Int |
Loop | Lp |
Middle Eight | Mi8 |
Outro | Out |
Pre Chorus (end of verse, lift into chorus) | Pch |
Verse | Ver |
Variation: | File Name: |
Ad-libs | Adl |
Alternative (sometimes with different arrangement or key/bpm) | Alt |
Answer | Ans |
All in one (everything together) | All |
Backing Vocals | Bv |
Chopped | Cp |
Double | D |
Effects (Compression, EQ, Reverb etc) | Fx |
Harmonies (all together) | Hrms |
Harmony (separate) | Hrm |
Harmony High | Hi |
Harmony Middle | Mid |
Harmony Low | Lo |
Harmony Melody | Mel |
Instrumental | Inst |
Lead Vocals | Le |
Octave | Oc |
Note: If there is more than one layer of a structure or variation then these will be labelled with numbers. For example, Ver1, Ver2 etc or Adl1, Adl2 etc.
Key Signature: | File Name: |
A flat major | Ab |
A flat minor | Abm |
A major | A |
A minor | Am |
A sharp major | As |
A sharp minor | Asm |
B flat major | Bb |
B flat minor | Bbm |
B major | B |
B minor | Bm |
B sharp major | Bs |
B sharp minor | Bsm |
C flat major | Cb |
C flat minor | Cbm |
C major | C |
C minor | Cm |
C sharp major | Cs |
C sharp minor | Csm |
D flat major | Db |
D flat minor | Dbm |
D major | D |
D minor | Dm |
D sharp major | Ds |
D sharp minor | Dsm |
E flat major | Eb |
E flat minor | Ebm |
E major | E |
E minor | Em |
E sharp major | Es |
E sharp minor | Esm |
F flat major | Fb |
F flat minor | Fbm |
F major | F |
F minor | Fm |
F sharp major | Fs |
F sharp minor | Fsm |
G flat major | Gb |
G flat minor | Gbm |
G major | G |
G minor | Gm |
G sharp major | Gs |
G sharp minor | Gsm |
Chords: |
File Name (C Example):
Major | C |
Dominant | C7 |
Minor | Cm |
Minor 7th | Cm7 |
Diminished 7th | Cdim7 |
Diminished | Cdim |
Major 7th | CM7 |
Augmented | Cplus |
Instrument: | File Name: |
Keyboard | Kbd |
Keyboard_Clavinet | Clav |
Keyboard_Harpsichord | Hpsd |
Keyboard_Mellotron | Melo |
Keyboard_Organ | Org |
Keyboard_Organ_Electronic | Eorg |
Keyboard_Piano | Pno |
Keyboard_Riser | Ris |
Keyboard_Synthesizer | Syn |
Percussion | Prc |
Percussion_Bass Drum | Bdr |
Percussion_Bell | Bel |
Percussion_Bodhran | Bod |
Percussion_Bongos | Bon |
Percussion_Brass | Brs |
Percussion_Cajon | Caj |
Percussion_Chime | Chi |
Percussion_Church Bells | Chb |
Percussion_Clap | Clp |
Percussion_Congas | Con |
Percussion_Cowbell | Cow |
Percussion_Cymbals | Cym |
Percussion_Djembe | Dje |
Percussion_Drums | Drms |
Percussion_Hi Hat | Hihat |
Percussion_Gong | Gong |
Percussion_Maracas | Mrcs |
Percussion_Marimba | Mari |
Percussion_Rain Stick | Rast |
Percussion_Shaker | Shk |
Percussion_Sleigh Bells | Slbe |
Percussion_Snare Drum | Sndr |
Percussion_Tabla | Tabl |
Percussion_Tambourine | Tamb |
Percussion_Timbales | Timb |
Percussion_Timpani | Timp |
Percussion_Triangle | Tria |
Percussion_Vibraphone | Vibr |
Percussion_Wood Block | Wobl |
Percussion_Xylophone | Xylo |
String | Str |
String_Banjo | Banj |
String_Bass Guitar | Bss |
String_Berimbau | Beri |
String_Bouzouki | Bouz |
String_Cello | Cell |
String_Charango | Char |
String_Double Bass | Dbss |
String_Dulcimer | Dulc |
String_Erhu | Erhu |
String_Esraj | Esrj |
String_Fiddle | Fidl |
String_Guitar_Acoustic | Agtr |
String_Guitar_Electric | Egtr |
String_Harp | Harp |
String_Hurdy gurdy | Hrgu |
String_Kalimba | Kali |
String_Koto | Koto |
String_Lute | Lute |
String_Mandolin | Madn |
String_Oud | Oud |
String_Santoor | Sant |
String_Sarangi | Srgi |
String_Sitar | Sita |
String_Ukelele | Uke |
String_Upright Bass | Ubss |
String_Viola | Vila |
String_Violin | Vili |
Vocals | Vox |
Wind | Wnd |
Wind_Accordion | Acc |
Wind_Bagpipes | Bgpi |
Wind_Bassoon | Bsoo |
Wind_Bugle | Bugl |
Wind_Calliope | Cal |
Wind_Clarinet | Clar |
Wind_Cornet | Corn |
Wind_English Horn | Ehrn |
Wind_Euphonium | Euph |
Wind_Flageolet | Flag |
Wind_Flute | Flte |
Wind_French Horn | Frhrn |
Wind_Harmonica | Hrma |
Wind_Harmonium | Hrmi |
Wind_Horn | Hrn |
Wind_Oboe | Obo |
Wind_Pan Flute | Pflu |
Wind_Piccolo | Pico |
Wind_Recorder | Rec |
Wind_Saxophone | Sax |
Wind_Shakuhachi | Shka |
Wind_Trombone | Tbn |
Wind_Trumpet | Tpt |
Wind_Tuba | Tba |
Wind_Whistle | Whi |
Wind_Woodwind | Wwin |